Kathy Marshall grew up on the west side of Chicago in the 60s singing the
Blues, Gospel and Motown. She wrote her first song when she was 13 yearsold called "All I Want Is To Be A Woman"! Throughout her childhood and early adult years she was exposed to a variety of music and was influenced by many great folk, pop and blues singers of those times but remained distinctive in her own way (she is an Aquarian). She continued writing songs and playing them for friends and family never quite taking her music seriously until the year 2006 when she went to the Sisters Folk Festival Song Camp. She had an awakening of her creativity and music. Her 1976 Gibson J45 guitar (which she bought when she was 18 years old) had sat in the closet for about 5 years but quickly got a makeover and is very much loved and prized once again. Her songs are eclectic with some ballads, some blues, and some really esoteric tunes that just "kind of came out of nowhere!" Her songs sing of connection with life and death, the earth, the source, her tantric teacher, her four legged friends, and her unique view on life and love. 
A Native American proverb says that the Great Spirit gave us each a song and it seems that Kathy got a little extra song than most. A friend and admirer have said about her music; “Kathy writes her own songs out of a strong, uniquely spiritual base and poignant real life experiences. She is a true sister of extraordinary talent. She will capture your heart with her ever-so-sweet compassionate and commanding presence. She will inspire you to search your soul and reconnect with the earth. With voice, guitar and gentle smile, Kathy will draw you in, hold you and rock you in her melodious embrace!”
Kathy co-owns Stillpoint Farm an organic farm, in Veneta, OR with her partner Gina Thomas. She loves having space around her and nature’s beauty: abundance of trees and wild life, goats, chickens, horses, dogs and cats. There is so much to be learned from nature and her songs show that.
Visit Kathy's MySpace Page
CD and House Concerts
Her first CD, “Smile a Little Bit” has some old tunes (even one written when she was 19 years old, Neptune in the 7th house) mixed in with new tunes. It is a compilation that shows the diversity of her songs and range. The title track “Smile A Little Bit’ came alive in the studio with a flamenco flare! The tender “Shed a Tear Like the Rain” she wrote after her 4 legged canine soul mate Shaman passed; captures the yearning of the loss of a loved one. The album was recorded and produced at Sandbox Studios in Sisters, Oregon by Brent Alan, an awesome singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, recorder and engineer master.
Kathy also loves supporting other independent musicians and hosts house concerts at her home and farm. She finds much fulfillment in bringing the community together in such a creative and intimate way. She has hosted and played with Keith Greeninger and Dayan Kai, Laura Kemp, Jonathan Byrd, Niccole Bayley, Brad Tisdel, Susan Werner, Chris Kokesh and Lincoln Crockett, Beth Wood, Blame Sally, and Shireen Amini and there will be many more to come! Music heals the soul and puts us in touch with ourselves and each other.
Quotes on Kathy's Music
"Your CD is LOVELY....I am really truly enjoying it so much. It is so heartfelt and genuine and full of Spirit.....the essence of who you are really shines through. I think it is awesome that you have listened to the inner voice telling you to come back to your music! Bravo!!" - Karen Olch, KRVM radio in Eugene. OR
"Kathy—no bullshit—you are totally there. Your recording is as good as anything I have heard out there, professionally, in every aspect. It is a joy to see you blossom from promising songwriter, to killer performer. Your voice is luscious live, but it records really, really well. Brings to mind some of the most striking female vocalists out there—jazzy, bluesy, folksy, and soulful. Now you need to decide what you want to do with this gift!" - Steve Meckfessel, singer/songwriter in SF Bay area
"YES I did get your CD and love it. I really like the production a lot, I know it was huge to surrender to a producer, but Brent and you obviously were on the same wave. I really think your spirit shines throughout in your voice as well as the songwriting. You should be very proud." - Johnsmith, Singer/songwriter from WI
"nice disc, sistr!!! sounds just beautiful, and u got such great performances from your musicians, too. u should be really proud of this project." - Susan Werner, singer/songwriter in IL
"I've been "test driving" your CD this week. When I get a new CD I like, I tend to listen to it a lot. I've been doing that with yours--and I keep hearing new, wonderful things. It truly stands the test of frequent listening. Also, much as I thought I knew many of these songs, I'm hearing their message in a new and deeper way. It's SO exciting and wonderful that you've produced such fine music that makes strong emotional and spiritual connections." WOW!!!! - Marean Jordan